Wednesday 17 October 2012

Me and my knee - Week 7

Did Zebedee have the right idea? I mean
using a spring for legs rather than all the
mind altering drugs.
Two physio visits and a surgical consultation since the last update about my now bionic knee, so there is a fair bit to catch up on.

Aside from being constantly blown away by how much NHS car parks get away with charging patients as well as the fact that every time I'm in the waiting room 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' seems to be on the big screen, things seem to be progressing. 

My rehab is more intense but I won't be starring in any 'Rocky' montages any time soon. I do squats against the wall to engage the core and knee joint. I sit in a chair and force my heal into the ground to tighten my hamstring. I step onto the first step of the stairs with my weaker leg, bring up the other one, then step off with the bad one again. Like I said, its no UFC training camp. 

I'm still in the brace, as this is my second reconstruction the surgeon is being extra cautious. Finally the orthopaedic clinic agreed to give me a new one as the one they gave me in August had started to grow its own eco-system and the key velcro parts had started to disintegrate at a fairly rapid rate. The new one doesn't fit as well but at least it doesn't make me worry I am causing those around me to fight their gag reflex.

On the plus side I am back in the gym. I can only do upper body stuff obviously and this has to be done on the bench so I'm not tempted to use the leg but at least its something. I've also bought a chinning bar, put it in the doorway of the kitchen and use it most days. However, I can feel my wife itching to hang some washing off of it so I may have to hide it and bring it out at key times. 

Will Genia suffered an ACL tear recently -
Any one who has done the same can relate to that face.
Next week the brace should come off for good and I can look to really get the knee firing. It's amazing the control you have over your limbs that you take for granted, even with a damaged ACL, and how difficult it is to get it feeling natural again. At points it can feel like the lower part of my leg is not mine and is not always doing what I ask it. However it is obeying commands on a more regular basis so onward and upwards. I'm in Cyprus for seven days from next Wednesday, a day after the brace comes off. I can't wait to start rehabbing in the pool, low impact resistance work in twenty eight degree heat. Beats Bushey Met Police club on a wet October evening any day of the week. 

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