Saturday 1 September 2012

England Rugby and Canterbury - be still my beating heart

This does not give too much away but I've been awaiting this moment for a while. Thankfully the RFU finally dropped the sports label which has given us a naff red sash and an all black England shirt. Now having seen the impressive Sale and Leicester efforts this season, England fans are expecting big things. As it turns out we will have to wait a little longer (19th September to be precise) to find out what exactly the best rugby brand ever conceived can do with the second most iconic shirt in world rugby, but here is a teaser from those of New Zealand via Stockport. I love stash. End.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting for the start of the season is pretty damn exciting but nothing...and I mean nothing*, beats turning up to training on the day that stash arrives! This is the day when you finally find out what you will be wearing on a daily basis for the next twelve months of your life.

    Very excited that Canterbury have taken on the difficult role of keeping us English folk happy with creating a kit for the creators of the great game. As RGN stated, the expectations are high...but I seriously doubt we'll be shaking our heads in disappointment come 19th September.

    *slight exaggeration
